Baroque Soirées: Dolcezza e bravura | Listen to the concert recording
13th January 2023, 8.00 pm | Czech Radio Vltava
Listen to the recording of the concert Dolcezza e bravura on Czech Radio on 13 January 2023 from 8 pm. The broadcast was prepared by Daniela Čermáková. Later, you can find the recording in the Czech Radio audio archive.
J. J. I. Brentner, J. J. Quantz, J F. Fasch, G. Ph. Telemann, F. Jiránek
The Teresian Hall of the Břevnov Monastery hosted the virtuoso instrumental music of Prague composers and their contemporaries from abroad. Johann Joachim Quantz once wrote, that that chamber music gives the composer the most freedom of expression, opening up space for pure musical experimentation and for the virtuosity. Therefore, the music itself is captivating and enchanting.
The programme of the concert, which was also recorded by Czech Radio, would probably stand up to Quantz: it is music written con dolcezza e bravura for the pleasure of the musicians and for the pleasure of the audience.