Date | Programme | Place |
30. 12. 2025 | Adorazione dei Magi | Sts. Simon and Jude church |
4. 11. 2025 | Soirée at the Sun King | Clam-Gallas Palace, Marble Hall |
3. 11. 2025 | Soirée at the Sun King | Clam-Gallas Palace, Marble Hall |
16. 10. 2025 | The Enchanted Forest | Strahov monastery, Summer Refectory |
25. 7. 2025 | Alessandro Severo | Castle Baroque Theatre Český Krumlov |
24. 7. 2025 | Alessandro Severo | Castle Baroque Theatre, Český Krumlov |
10. 6. 2025 | Le Festin Royal | Břevnov Monastery, Teresian Hall |
22. 4. 2025 | Echo fidele | Valdštejn Chateau Litvínov |
7. 4. 2025 | Under the wings of Angels | Lobkowicz Palace, Imperial Hall |
30. 12. 2024 | Il Natale romano | Sts. Simon and Jude Church, Dušní, Prague 1 |
7. 12. 2024 | Czech Christmas | Christmas play | Puppet Theatre Ostrava, Pivovarská 3164, Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz |
6. 12. 2024 | Czech Christmas | Christmas play | Luterská evangelická církev a.v. – farní sbor v Bystřici |
14. 11. 2024 | Il piacer delle dame | Clam-Gallas Pallace, Husova, Prague 1 |
13. 11. 2024 | Il piacer delle dame | Clam-Gallas Pallace, Husova, Prague 1 |
9. 11. 2024 | Salve Regina | Aula Magna Pałacu Branickich w Białymstoku (PL) |
22. 10. 2024 | La Follia | Břevnov Monastery, Theresian Hall, Prague 6 |
13. 10. 2024 | Baroque Fantasy | Knight’s Hall of Frýdek Castle, Frýdek-Místek |
12. 10. 2024 | Barokní fantazie | Husův sbor, Stará Bělá |
6. 10. 2024 | Cachua Serranita | Beladice, Park Hotel Tartuf (SK) |
5. 10. 2024 | Cachua Serranita | Plešivec, Rožňava (SK) |
4. 10. 2024 | Masterclass 2024: Lenka Torgersen | Melantrichova 19, Prague 1 |
29. 9. 2024 | Rendez-vous with a King | Tepmle of Diana – Rendez-vous, The Lednice-Valtice Area |
27. 9. 2024 | Il Pianto Amoroso | Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary |
21. 9. 2024 | Salve Regina | Husův sbor, Slezská Ostrava, Ostrava |
7. 9. 2024 | Solo for the King | Blovice, Chateau Hradiště, St. Andrew Chapel |
11. 8. 2024 | Barock perfekt | Grandi maestri | Augustinerkirche, Erfurt (DE) |
8. 8. 2024 | Cachua Serranita | Lidzbark Warmiński, Zamek Biskupów Warmińskich (PL) |
6. 8. 2024 | Acis and Galatea | Prague City Theatres – Theatre ABC |
1. 7. 2024 | Cachua Serranita | Dom Albrechtovcov, Kapitulská 1, Bratislava (SK) |
30. 6. 2024 | Cachua Serranita | Poruba, kostel sv. Mikoláša (SK) |
23. 6. 2024 | Cachua Serranita: From Bohemia to Peru | Friedrichskirche Babelsberg, Potsdam (DE) |
21. 6. 2024 | Masterclass 2024: Chantal Santon Jeffery | Melantrichova 19, Prague 1 |
20. 6. 2024 | Gloires Romaines | Strahov Monastery, Summer Refectory, Prague 1 |
21. 5. 2024 | Apollo & Dionysus | Břevnov Monastery, Theresian Hall, Prague 6 |
11. 5. 2024 | Echo fidele | Museum of Czech literature, Petrkov |
10. 5. 2024 | Masterclass 2024: Lenka Torgersen | Melantrichova 19, Prague 1 |
18. 4. 2024 | Il Pianto Amoroso | Lobkowicz Palace, Imperial Hall, Prague Castle |
13. 4. 2024 | Reynek and Bach | Museum of Czech literature, Petrkov |
18. 2. 2024 | Acis and Galatea | Mierscher Kulturhaus, Mersch (LU) |
30. 12. 2023 | Puer natus est | Sts. Simon and Jude, Dušní street, Prague 1 |
4. 12. 2023 | Czech Chamber Music Society Collegium Marianum | Dvořák Hall, Rudolfinum, Prague |
15. 11. 2023 | Ensemble FLAIR & Collegium Marianum | Studio 1 Czech Radio Ostrava |
6. 11. 2023 | Fantasie | Břevnov Monastery, Markétská 1, Prague 6 |
16. 10. 2023 | Les Amis | Dominican monastery, Jilská 5, Prague 1 |
1. 10. 2023 | Händel | Acis and Galatea | Hawk’s Well Theatre, Sligo (IRL) |
28. 9. 2023 | Händel | Acis a Galatea | Theatre Ruins Gliwice (PL) |
27. 9. 2023 | Händel | Acis and Galatea | St. Wenceslas Church, Opava |
14. 9. 2023 | Collegium Marianum | St. George church, Kostelec nad Orlicí |
9. 9. 2023 | Cachua Serranita | Blovice, chapel of Hradiště castle |
20. 8. 2023 | Boemo Virtuoso | Pilgrimage Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Nicov |
19. 8. 2023 | Salve Regina | Church of the Holy Trinity, Kuks |
13. 8. 2023 | Salve Regina | Weißensee, Kulturkirche, Marktplatz 26 (DE) |
8. 8. 2023 | Canto d’Orfeo | Sts. Simon and Jude Church |
15. 7. 2023 | Boemo Virtuoso | Holy Family Church, Luhačovice |
1. 7. 2023 | Canto della ninfa | Piarist Church of the Finding of the Holy cross |
21. 6. 2023 | Omfalé & Hébé | Strahov Monastery, Summer Refectory |
18. 6. 2023 | Cachua Serranita | Mirror hall of the Theatre of J. Palárik, Trnava (SK) |
17. 6. 2023 | Cachua Serranita | Kaplnka hradu Strečno (SK) |
16. 6. 2023 | Cachua Serranita | Kaštieľ Petrovany, Petrovany 114 (SK) |
4. 6. 2023 | Salve Regina | Mirror Hall of the Primate’s Palace, Bratislava (SK) |
29. 5. 2023 | G. F. Händel | Alessandro Severo | Goethe Theatre Bad Lauchstädt, Parkstraße 18 (DE) |
28. 5. 2023 | G. F. Händel | Alessandro Severo | Goethe Theatre Bad Lauchstädt, Parkstraße 18 (DE) |
27. 5. 2023 | G. F. Händel | Alessandro Severo | Goethe Theatre Bad Lauchstädt, Parkstraße 18 (DE) |
4. 5. 2023 | Corelliano | Břevnov Monastery, Theresian Hall |
30. 4. 2023 | A lily among the thorns | Holy Trinity Church, Sezemice |
23. 4. 2023 | Salve Regina | Evangelische Kirche, Berneck (CH) |
20. 4. 2023 | Amore divino | Lobkowicz Palace |
4. 4. 2023 | Stabat Mater | kostel sv. Šimona a Judy, Praha |
31. 3. 2023 | Lamentationes Jeremiæ Prophetæ | Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam (NL) |
12. 3. 2023 | Cachua Serranita | Palace of the Grand Dukes, Vilnius (LTU) |
7. 3. 2023 | Cachua Serranita | Reduta, Uherské Hradiště |
29. 12. 2022 | Adeste pastores | Sts. Simon and Jude Church, Prague 1 |
11. 12. 2022 | Festliche Advents | Kirche St. Marien und Laurentin zu Lauenstein, Geising (DE) |
9. 12. 2022 | Czech Christmas | Důl Michal, Ostrava – Míchálkovice |
8. 12. 2022 | Czech Christmas | Culture Centre Nýdečanka, Nýdek u Ostravy |
2. 11. 2022 | Dolcezza e bravura | Břevnov Monastery, Theresian Hall |
7. 9. 2022 | Collegium Marianum and Roberta Mameli | St. Wenceslas Church, Ostrava centre |
5. 9. 2022 | Clash of Titans | Church of St. John the Baptist, Hlučín |
5. 9. 2022 | Clash of Titans | Church of St. John the Baptist, Hlučín |
21. 8. 2022 | Boemo Virtuoso | St Bartholomew’s Church, Heřmanův Městec |
4. 8. 2022 | Canto della Ninfa | Sts. Simon and Jude Church, Dušní, Prague |
3. 7. 2022 | Music for the Sun King | St. Vitus Church, Soběslav |
21. 6. 2022 | Soirée a Dresda | Ledebour garden |
6. 6. 2022 | Acis and Galatea | Theater am Bismarckplatz (DE) |
28. 5. 2022 | Cachua Serranita | Dobrohoř chateau |
23. 5. 2022 | In stile Italiano | Dominican Monastery, Baroque Refectory |
14. 5. 2022 | Visions and Dreams | St Agnes’ Convent |
21. 4. 2022 | Salve Regina | Lobkowicz Palace, Prague |
24. 3. 2022 | Ó sladká útěcho | St Agnes Monastery, Prague |
29. 12. 2021 | Pastorale | Sts. Simon and Jude church, Prague |
19. 12. 2021 | Czech Christmas | Mozarteum, Muzeum umění Olomouc |
13. 11. 2021 | Wassermusik | Kreuzkirche, Herne (DE) |
8. 11. 2021 | Welcome to all the pleasures | Lobkowicz Palace, Prague Castle |
10. 10. 2021 | Antonio Vivaldi and his contamporaries in modern premiere | Kostel Navštívení Panny Marie, Břeclav |
5. 10. 2021 | A Lily Among Thorns | Church of Annunciation of Virgin Mary and Fourteen Holy Helpers, Kadaň |
12. 9. 2021 | Amabile | Břevnov Monastery, Teresian Hall, Prague 6 |
10. 9. 2021 | Chaconne en trio | Chateau Roztoky |
8. 9. 2021 | A Lily Among Thorns | St Wenceslas Church, Opava |
7. 9. 2021 | A Lily Among Thorns | St. Wenceslas Church, Ostrava |
5. 9. 2021 | Hanacco Americano | Evangelický kostel, Vrbové (SK) |
7. 8. 2021 | Salve Regina | St. Nicholas Church in Kašperské Hory |
5. 8. 2021 | Les plaisirs de Versailles | Sts. Simon and Jude Churche, Dušní, Prague |
31. 7. 2021 | Boemo virtuoso | Staufen im Breisgau |
8. 7. 2021 | Grands Motets | Chateau Versailles, Royal Chapel (FR) Cancelled |
28. 6. 2021 | Daphnis et Chloé | Strahov Monastery, Summer Refectory, Prague |
16. 6. 2021 | Lucretia & Dido | Ledebour Garden |
17. 4. 2021 | Concert for the Sun King | |
31. 3. 2021 | Zelenka – Lamentationes | Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam (NL) Cancelled |
6. 1. 2021 | The Holy Night | |
29. 12. 2020 | Holy Night | Sts. Simon and Jude Church, Praha 1 |
24. 12. 2020 | Christmas concert from Waldstein Palace | Waldstein Palace, Prague |
28. 11. 2020 | Magnificat | Dom umenia Piešťany |
14. 11. 2020 | Wassermusik | Kreuzkirche, Herne, Germany Cancelled |
10. 11. 2020 | L’Arte del Violino | Dominican Monastery, Jilská 5, Praha 1 |
21. 10. 2020 | Maestro delle Nazioni | Lobkowicz palace, Jiřská 3, Prague 1 |
5. 10. 2020 | Stabat Mater | Sts. Simon and Jude church |
4. 10. 2020 | Liaison amoureuse: Gotha – Böhmen | Schlosskirche Gotha, Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha, Germany |
26. 9. 2020 | Stabat Mater | church of the Body of Christ, Jablunkov, CZ |
25. 9. 2020 | Stabat Mater | church of St. John of Nepomuk, Stará Bělá – Ostrava, CZ |
24. 9. 2020 | Stabat Mater | church of St. Jacob the Elder, Boskovice, CZ |
16. 9. 2020 | From Prague to Padua | Strahov Monastery, Prague |
11. 9. 2020 | Europa Galante | church of St. Ludmila, Horní Počernice, CZ |
30. 8. 2020 | Boemo Virtuoso | Monastery Church of St. Augustin, Vrchlabí |
29. 8. 2020 | Boemo Virtuoso | St. Nicolas church, Kašperské Hory |
6. 8. 2020 | A Lily Among Thorns | Sts. Simon and Jude Church |
1. 8. 2020 | Boemo Virtuoso | Staufen im Breisgau |
27. 7. 2020 | La rose de Paris | Troja Chateau |
7. 7. 2020 | Grands Motets | Versailles Castle, Royal Chapel |
5. 6. 2020 | G. F. Händel: Alessandro Severo | Palace Baroque Theatre, Valtice The concert was cancelled (Covid-19) |
4. 6. 2020 | G. F. Händel: Alessandro Severo | Palace Baroque Theater, Valtice The concert was cancelled (Covid-19) |
1. 6. 2020 | G. F. Händel: Alessandro Severo | Goethe-Theater Bad Lauchstädt, Halle, Germany The concert was cancelled (Covid-19) |
31. 5. 2020 | G. F. Händel: Alessandro Severo | Goethe-Theater Bad Lauchstädt, Halle, Germany The concert was cancelled (Covid-19) |
30. 5. 2020 | G. F. Händel: Alessandro Severo | Goethe-Theater Bad Lauchstädt, Halle, Germany The concert was cancelled (Covid-19) |
26. 4. 2020 | From Prague to Padua | Evangelic church, Berneck, Switzerland |
24. 2. 2020 | Ich habe genug | Břevnov Monastery |
29. 12. 2019 | A Child Is Born | Sts. Simon and Jude Church, Dušní, Prague |
15. 12. 2019 | Christmas and Advent Baroque Cantatas | Church of Sts. Marien and Laurentin, Lauenstein, Germany |
9. 12. 2019 | Czech Christmas | Gallery of Modern Art, Očkova, Roudnice nad Labem |
8. 12. 2019 | Czech Christmas | Salvator Church, Salvátorská, Prague 1 |
4. 12. 2019 | Boemo furioso | Basel, Switzerland |
24. 11. 2019 | W. A. Mozart – Requiem | St. Paul Church, Passau, Germany |
18. 11. 2019 | Coffee Ballet | Białystok, Poland |
17. 11. 2019 | Boemo virtuoso | Białystok, Poland |
12. 11. 2019 | Mass for Sts. Simon and Jude | Sts. Simon and Jude Church, Dušní, Prague |
21. 10. 2019 | The Image of Melancholy | Břevnov Monastery, Markétská 28, Prague |
20. 10. 2019 | The Image of Melancholy | Břevnov Monastery, Markétská 28, Prague |
17. 10. 2019 | J. D. Zelenka – Sepolcri | Church of Our Lady beneath the Chain, Lázeňská, Prague |
5. 10. 2019 | Tribute to Johann II. of Liechtenstein | St. Bartholomew’s Church, Katzelsdorf-Bernhardsthal, Austria |
29. 9. 2019 | Boemo furioso | The Model, Sligo |
28. 9. 2019 | Stravaganza | The Model, Sligo |
27. 9. 2019 | Heavenly Pleasures | The Model, Sligo |
25. 9. 2019 | Operatic Naples | Třinec, Evangelic Church |
24. 9. 2019 | Operatic Naples | Ostrava, Church of Saint John of Nepomuk |
21. 9. 2019 | 29th Castle concert in Náměšť nad Oslavou | Náměšť, Castle Library |
6. 9. 2019 | Calisto | Ostrava, Evangelical Christ church |
6. 8. 2019 | A Night for the King | Rudolfinum, Dvořák Hall, Prague |
27. 7. 2019 | Boemo Virtuoso | Potvorov, Kostel sv. Mikuláše |
26. 7. 2019 | Boemo Virtuoso | Greinburg Castle, Austria |
25. 7. 2019 | Ich habe genug | Prediger Church, Erfurt |
17. 7. 2019 | Coffee ballet | The ABC Theatre |
2. 6. 2019 | Concert in Bílá Voda | Kostel Navštívení Panny Marie, Bílá Voda |
23. 5. 2019 | Live broadcast from Greillenstein Castle – ORF Radio Niederösterreich | Greillenstein Castle, Austria |
20. 5. 2019 | Hanacco Americano | České Budějovice, Monastery Church of the Sacrifice of Virgin Mary |
19. 5. 2019 | Hanacco Americano | Staré Sedliště |
1. 5. 2019 | Chamber concert | Mníšek pod Brdy, Baroque area Skalka |
25. 4. 2019 | Water Music | Strahov Monastery |
14. 4. 2019 | J. S. Bach: Jahannespassion | Himmelfahrtskirche Leuben, Dresden, Germany |
28. 3. 2019 | Bizzaria | Refektář kláštera dominikánů, Praha 1 |
14. 3. 2019 | Collegium Marianum and Barbara Maria Willi | Konvent Milosrdných bratří, Brno |
5. 3. 2019 | Les plaisirs | Lobkowicz Palace, Prague Castle |
22. 2. 2019 | Acis a Galatea | Tivoli Vredenburg, Hertz hall, Utrecht |
28. 12. 2018 | Andělé a pastýři | Kostel sv. Šimona a Judy |
10. 6. 2018 | Coffee ballet |