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Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen,
fallet sanft und selig zu!
Welt, ich bleibe nicht mehr hier,
hab ich doch kein Teil an dir,
das der Seele könnte taugen.
Hier muß ich das Elend bauen,
aber dort, dort werd ich schauen
süßen Friede, stille Ruh.
Fall asleep, you weary eyes,
close softly and pleasantly!
World, I will not remain here any longer,
I own no part of you
that could matter to my soul.
Here I must build up misery,
but there, there I will see
sweet peace, quiet rest.
Johann Sebastian Bach | Ich habe genug (Schlummert ein)
"Fall asleep, you weary eyes, close softly and pleasantly..." Hana Blažíková sings with true tenderness and humility. Perfect purity and softness of her voice further deepen the majestic atmosphere of the famous cantata written by Bach in 1727. At this time, he worked as a St. Thomas cantor in Leipzig.
This recording was was performed at the St. Wenceslas Music Festival on September 8, 2018 in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Michálkovice.
Johann Sebastian Bach | Cantata „Ich habe genug“, BWV 82a
Aria: A slum one, your own eyes
Jana SEMERÁDOVÁ | artistic director, flute
Hana BLAŽÍKOVÁ | soprano
- Antonín Reichenauer | Kvartet g moll (Adagio) Collegium Marianum 3:04
Antonín Reichenauer | Quartet G minor (Adagio)
On March 17, 1730, only thirty-six-year-old Antonín Reichenauer, one of the court composers of Count Morzin, died in Jindřichův Hradec. We know so little about the life of this Czech composer...
However, his remarkable work has been preserved not only in Czech but also in foreign archives, and especially in the second half of the 18th century, the great popularity of Reichenauer's works is evidenced in archives of Prague churches.
Enjoy his tender Adagio!
Lenka TORGERSEN | Baroque violin
Ilze GRUDULE | Baroque violoncello
Sergio AZZOLINI | bassoon
Claudio Monteverdi | Missa In illo tempore | Sanctus
When Claudio Monteverdi applied for the prestigious position of maestro di cappella in Venice, he needed to show the world and his future employers that he mastered not only the emerging early Baroque style, but also the traditional Renaissance vocal counterpoint - prima prattica. He composed a six-voice mass based on Nicolas Gombert's In Illo tempore. The mass was published in 1610 in the same collection as the famous Vespro della Beata Vergine.
Listen to Sanctus from Monteverdi's Missa In illo tempore as it was heard on October 1, 2020 in the Church of Our Lady before Týn in Prague.
Vojtěch SEMERÁD | tenor, artistic director
- František Jiránek | Koncert G dur (Allegro) Collegium Marianum | Sergio Azzolini 2:59
František Jiránek | Concerto G major (Allegro)
Sergio AZZOLINI | bassoon
On the 4th of March, the members of the Morzin court Kapelle were certainly very busy. It was on this day when their employer Václav Humbert, Count of Morzin, a generous patron and supporter of not only the musical arts, celebrated his birthday!
This Czech nobleman chose the best artists of his time – Santini, Brokoff, Reichenauer, Vivaldi…
František Jiránek, a great composer and violinist from Lomnice nad Popelkou, whom Count Morzin sent to Italy for a three-year study stay, is also among the congratulators on his 346th birthday. Judge how well he was trained!
The final solo and the concluding ritornello of the third movement of the Concerto G major have been reconstructed by the bassoon wizard Sergio Azzolini.
- Lupus Hellinck | In te, Domine, speravi Cappella Mariana 6:25
Lupus Hellinck | In te, Domine, speravi
Vojtěch SEMERÁD | umělecký vedoucí
In te, Domine, speravi,
non confundar in aeternum;
in justitia tua libera me.
Inclina ad me aurem tuam,
accelera ut eruas me.
Esto mihi in Deum protectorem,
et in domum refugii,
ut salvum me facias.
Quoniam fortitudo mea
et refugium meum es tu;
et propter nomen tuum
deduces me et enutries me.
Educes me de laqueo
hoc quem absconderunt mihi,
quoniam tu es protector meus.
In manus tuas commendo
spiritum meum;
redemisti me,
Domine Deus veritatis.
In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust,
let me never be put to confusion;
deliver me in thy righteousness.
Bow down thine ear to me,
make haste to deliver me.
And be thou my strong rock,
and house of defence,
that thou mayest save me.
For thou art my strong rock
and my castle;
be thou also my guide
and lead me for thy Name’s sake.
Draw me out of the net
that they have laid privily for me,
for thou art my strength.
Into thy hands
I commend my spirit;
for thou hast redeemed me,
O Lord, thou God of truth.
Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic | Labyrinth of the Holy Love
Listen to the Labyrinth of the Holy Love which is full of hope. The song was performed as encore at 21st edition of IMF Summer Festivities of Early Music (6th August 2020, Sts. Simon and Jude church).
Hana BLAŽÍKOVÁ | soprano, harp
Music direction | Markéta Janáčková
Sound | Jakub Hadraba
Photos | Petra Hajská
Ach, ach, nevím kudy kam,
ach, točím se sem i tam,
má lásko, ó Kriste můj!
Právě jsem v labyrinthu,
v zmateným labyrinthu.
Má lásko, ó Kriste můj!
Kdož mne z něho vyvede
a ku Kristu přivede?
Má lásko, ó Kriste můj!
Buď, lásko, Ariadna,
s nitičkou Ariadna!
Má lásko, ó Kriste můj!
Vítězství, již vítězství!
Nabyl sem velké štěstí.
Má lásko, ó Kriste můj!
Z labyrinthu jsem vyšel
a k mému Kristu přišel.
Má lásko, ó Kriste můj!
Česká mariánská muzika, Praha 1647